River of Babylon
Sunday Sermon (29th December, 2019)Topic: BY THE RIVERS (WATERS)
Text: Psalms 137:1-4KJV
1 By the rivers of Babylon, there we sat down, yea, we wept, when we remembered Zion.
2 We hanged our harps upon the willows in the midst thereof.
3 For there they that carried us away captive required of us a song; and they that wasted us required of us mirth, saying, Sing us one of the songs of Zion.
4 How shall we sing the LORD’s song in a strange land?
Lands are significant in the scriptures and they are very much significant in our lives, for example I decree that the Almighty God will take you to your promise land in Jesus Name. I am certain you said Amen to claim that declaration. In like manner, rivers and waters are important in the scriptures and in our lives.
Generally, water signifies quench of thirst, coolness from torment of heat e.t.c Therefore to be by a river side is a good thing. Even Psalms 1:3 says a blessed man shall be like a tree planted by the river side, whose leaves does not wither…
I will like you to note that many rivers in the scriptures are not good places to be let alone drink from them. One of such rivers is the river of Babylon. Why?

* It was a river of captivity: Babylonians were enemies to Israel, so Israelites sitting by the rivers of Babylon was terrible. Though they might drink to quench their thirst momentarily but it does not remove the fact that they were in captivity, where their lives were at the mercy of their captors. Many today are sitting by this river, captivated by the devil, though they drink wealth (money flow into their hands), enjoy pleasures of life momentarily but the truth is they being prepared for destruction by their captor, the devil.
For example girl who has boyfriend who spoils her with money in exchange for sex is drinking from the river of captivity because she is simply trading her destiny and glory for money
Also working in a place that looks like you are in captivity is like drinking from the river of captivity
* It was a river of Affliction: The fact that the Israelites were under affliction under the Babylonians, their river is certainly a river of Affliction. It does not matter how sweet the river is, they were drinking it in affliction, and so the sweetness of the river brings no joy to the Israelites neither does it does it reflect in their well being because they were drinking in affliction.
* It was a river of unproductivity: The Israelites sat by the river unproductive for themselves and their nation, they even hung their harp (their instrument of praise to God). Whatever labour the Israelites were engaged in at the river of Babylon was for the benefit of their enemies. So their labour from the river was fruitless and without any reward but rather pain and agony was their lot. In Esther 2:21-24,3:1-2, Modercai was working at the King’s gate faithfully and that helped him to uncover an evil plot of two men who wanted to kill the King but rather for Mordecai to be recognised and rewarded for his labour it was Haman that the king promoted. I decree that every enemy making progress at the expense of your hard labour shall be frustrated in Jesus Name.
* It was a river of weeping: The Israelites wept each time they remembered Zion. To them, there yesterday was better than today and so there was nothing to rejoice for, they could not even find joy and strength to sing the Lord’s song in a strange land. I pray for you that you will never have a better yesterday in Jesus Name.
Other examples of Rivers are:
Waters of Mara (bitterness)- Exodus 15:22-26
Rivers of Jericho (sweet but cursed river)- 2kings 2:19
But there is a river, that God is offering for everyone to drink from, a river like no other, a water like no other, that is the River of living Waters: John 7:37-39. Anyone who drinks from this river will never thirst again. The widow of Nain, who lost her only son and was weeping without any hope had an encounter with the river of living water, when she tasted him, her sorrow was turned to joy, he weeping ended and her hope was restored. The thief on the left hand side of Jesus on the cross who was condemned by men to death and by the devil to eternal damnation suddenly was translated from hell to paradise when he drank from the river of living waters. If only you can drink from this river, your life will not be the same again. God bless you
*: Father by whatever means I find myself by the river of captivity, in your mercy relocate me
* Every river of Affliction the enemy has prepared for me Lord let them dry up
* Every wicked personality making undue progress at the expense of my joy and labour, Father frustrate them
* Father, I desire your river of living waters, Jesus the river of living waters come and fill me till I want no more.